
How 5G Education is Revolutionizing Student Learning

Kai Frazier
October 4, 2022

If you feel overwhelmed by terms like 5g education, metaverse, virtual reality, augmented reality, web 3.0, and IoT, you’re not alone. 

With technology expanding at an awesome (literally, awesome) pace, it can be easy to fall behind. Luckily, we here at Kai XR are here to catch you. We’re here to ensure that every educator, every parent, and every student has the information to empower their education as it becomes enriched and enhanced by innovative—and, let’s face it, sometimes scary—technologies. 

There is nothing to be afraid of, though. Let’s five into 5G education and how it has the power to change the entire face of education. 

Introduction to the Metaverse in Education 

Before we dive into the vast impact 5G will have on education, let’s define a few key terms. 


What’s the meaning of the metaverse?,” multiple educators and families have asked us. The metaverse is the next iteration of the internet where everything is three-dimensional. Just like the internet has been an invaluable tool for education, the metaverse allows students to actually immerse themselves in learning.

And, that’s not even scratching the surface of what the metaverse can offer. The answer is layered and covered in our metaverse introduction article. Kai XR is a metaverse company designed to bring the metaverse to kids in order to broaden, brighten, and deepen their opportunities for immersive learning. 

Just like Facebook (aka Meta!) and Roblox have deeply invested their future in the Metaverse, we too, believe it’s the key to the future of education. 

Web 3.0

While Web 3.0 is still evolving and being defined, it is commonly known as the third generation of the evolution of web technologies. Web 3.0 will have a strong emphasis on decentralized applications and blockchain-based technologies. Most importantly, and most relevant to this article, Web 3.0 will make use of machine learning and artificial intelligence to empower more intelligent applications of technologies, especially in education.

What is 5G?

5G refers to the “generation” of internet speed, in relation to bandwidth and bps speeds. 5G is the fastest speed of internet available, which provides speeds of up to 20Gbps. 

To help you understand the speed of 5G, here’s the evolution of the generations of internet

  • 1G = Analog Telecomunications 
  • 2G = Text messaging 
  • 3G = Mobile + Wireless Internet Connectin
  • 4G = wCloud, IP, and All Mobile Broadband
  • 5G = Unlimited Data Capacity 
Image credit: Quora 

What is IoT?

IoT stands for Internet of Things. This describes the network of physical objects that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies. These sensors and software are enabled to connect and exchange data with other devices on the internet. 

Some smart “things” include:

  • Smartphones
  • Smart watches
  • Smart fire alarms
  • Smart door locks
  • Smart bicycles
  • Fitness trackers

If you’re wearing a Fitbit or a Apple Watch right now, you’re already well-versed in Iot!

What is Virtual Reality, or VR? 

Virtual reality or VR refers to a fully computer-based recreation or simulation. VR is typically viewed through a headset or other device that projects an image directly in front of the user’s eyes, obscuring their view of the real world and creating the sensation of being immersed in an all-digital environment. A great example of VR is Kai XR’s virtual reality field trips, where students can immerse themselves in all different places and environments, using 360° immersive technology. 

What is Artificial Reality, or AR?

Artificial reality or AR layers computer-generated imagery on top of existing reality, typically requiring the use of a smartphone, tablet, or other device. AR allows users to interact with digital images that are blended into the “real world” they can still see around them.

What is Mixed Reality, or MR?

Mixed reality or MR is similar to AR in that virtual images and environments are layered on top of the real world. However, MR goes one step further by enabling these digital objects and imagery to interact with—and react to—the physical objects and environment around them.

What is Extended Reality, or XR?

Extended reality or XR is an umbrella term for VR, AR, and MR technologies—it simply refers to any computer-based technology that alters reality by blurring the lines between the real and digital worlds. (As in, Kai XR.) 

All of these technologies and terms will have a huge impact and applications for educators, students, and their entire families. 

Today, we’re taking a closer look at how 5G is the key to connecting all of these internet terms—and bringing them to hyper-reality! 

How Will 5G Affect Education? 

5G is already affecting education. As schools are able to access 5G infrastructure, the digital divide narrows, which means that all students can benefit from the myriad of applications for learning. 

As lawmakers, educators, students, and families champion 5G education, the face of education changes indelibly. Let’s explore a few impacts of 5G on education. 

5G technology enables learners to have similar experiences from being present in real classrooms at any time or place with the help of IoT and VR technology. Let’s explore what that means in and out of the classroom.

5G Works to Close the Digital Divide

The digital divide in education describes the rift that exists between students with reliable access to technology and those without that same access. 

The Fletcher School at Tufts University sought to answer many of the toughest questions about the causes of the digital divide in their report, IDEA 2030

  1. Infrastructure: Where is reliable internet accessible? Which areas have access to reliable, broadband speeds? 
  2. Inclusivity: How affordable is internet access? How affordable are the devices needed to download information? 
  3. Institutions: How does the government provide information and access to information in a given area? Are institutions funded enough to provide reliable access to all?
  4. Digital Proficiency: When is information made available? Is it accessible for all education levels? Are common misconceptions or feelings of distrust adequately quelled? 

What can solve all of these problems in one swoop? The access to 5G and powering education through 5G technologies eliminates the divides that happen in a classroom, and from district to district. 

How The Digital Divide Narrows with 5G Education in Place:

  • Each student in a classroom can explore and immerse themselves in different places to learn through sight, movement, and exploration. 
  • Every student can feel included in the conversation, and use their unique learning styles to their advantage. 
  • Students without reliable home access can download needed materials and content using their 5G access. 
  • A rural classroom in Oklahoma and an urban classroom in Queens, NY can travel to see The Lion King on Broadway, without leaving the classroom. 

With 5G technology, the digital divide in the classroom can narrow to a sliver. As 5G towers support more devices with faster speeds, entire classrooms can connect and explore without interruption. 

5G Creates Opportunities for Immersive Education 

As the metaverse expands and makerspace classrooms are popping up everywhere, educators and students are seeing—in real-time—that the old way of classroom learning just isn’t working. Using the internet to copy and paste information in order to create a 5-page paper on climate change is simply not going to have the same effect as actually visiting the coral reefs on one of Kai XR’s virtual field trips

With 5G’s powerful speed and reliability, students can explore their subject matter by using Extended Reality—all without disrupted connections, lagging, and 

5G Empowers Social and Emotional Learning 

Many times, when we think of new technologies, we incorrectly assume that it will take us further away from our fellow humans. That is simply untrue, especially when it comes to early education. The immersive technologies made possible by 5G education allow students to immerse themselves in a different place in time, at a far corner of the world that they may never have accessed without immersive lessons. 

In addition to exploring underwater environments, outerspace, or pivotal moments in history, students can use Kai XR’s Create in order to build a universe entirely their own—and they have unlimited resources to build, expand, and create. 

This type of limitless learning allows students to increase their confidence and build the social emotional learning skills that will help them to make important and educated decisions about their lives and their goals. 

This includes social emotional learning skills, like:

  • Attention
  • Active Listening
  • Impulse Control 
  • Curiosity
  • Empathy 

5G Allows for Collaboration in the Classroom

Just like 5g education helps to improve social and emotional leraning skills, another important aspect of 5G learning is in its collaborative quality. While we will explore more about learning styles below, one huge benefit of 5G education, virtual reality, and immersive learning is the ability to take the whole classroom anywhere. 

Together, every student can explore complex concepts through zooming and selecting together. As they immerse themselves in 

5G Helps to Include Students With Different Learning Abilities 

One of the biggest struggles an educator faces is in teaching a set curriculum to students whose learning styles and abilities are vastly different. Even independent of  disabilities, every student may have a different learning style.  

4 Different Learning Styles in the Classroom:

  • Visual Learners: These learners like to see their lessons in pictures or videos. 
  • Auditory Learners: These learners prefer to listen or solve problems by talking aloud. 
  • Reading/Writing Learners: These learners learn through reading and writing. 
  • Kinesthetic Learners (aka “Moving” Learners): Kinesthetic learners are hands-on learners who prefer to move and “try it out” to really learn how things work. 

Now, imagine any of these four types of learners within a virtual classroom environment. With 5G education, each student is immersed in their lessons. Educators have the tools to tailor each and every lesson to specific learning styles. 

5G Education Creates Smarter Classrooms

If you were wondering when we were going to dive deeper into the Internet of Things, this is the moment. With 5G, educators can put all of their smart devices to good use, by automating menial and time-consuming chores. By implementing a smart classroom, educators free up time and mental space to do what they’re specialized to do, educate their students. 

According to a report from AbsoluteReports, smart ed-tech is worth $117 billion in 2022 and is expected to be worth more than double that, $260 billions, by the year 2028. 5G access is crucial to support and interconnect the technologies that will undoubtedly revolutionize the classroom over the next ten years! 

Educator Chores Improved or Eliminated by IoT and 5G:

  • Creating, distributing, and collecting assignments
  • Out-of-classroom communication
  • Using voice commands to intercconect lighting, smartboards, and other devices 
  • Inter-device communications to personalize lesson plans for students with different levels of learning and abilities. (ie. the same lesson plan might prioritize words and auditory learners while another student can experience it through video and mixed reality) 
  • Sensors to register each child’s attendance at the beginning of the day 

Real 5G Applications in Education 

Now that we’ve defined our terms and we’ve explored the overarching benefits of 5G education, let’s explore real-life application of technology in the classroom. Let’s explore what it can actually look like when an entire class of different learners are feeling engaged and empowered  in their everyday lessons. 

Let’s talk about the future classroom, where every student is ready, willing, and excited to raise their hand—and never stop learning. 

A report from T-Mobile details some of the major benefits of 5G, including: 

  • Faster speed to download and communicate on the go. This helps students collaborate and communicate outside of the classroom, regardless of the strength of their internet at home. 
  • More connected devices in one place. Since 5G towers can accommodate more devices, an entire classroom can connect easily without latency or signal loss. 
  • Quick responsiveness during data-demanding activities. When students are cloud gaming or VR streaming, they will feel like they are actually immersed without interruption. 
  • Reliable connection that allows content streaming from anywhere. Students can learn on their commute to school, at their sibling’s soccer practive—or in virtually any environment. 

5G Increases Motivation to Learn Through Immersive Experiences  

The Alpha Generation (born approximately between 2010 - 2024) are being born at a time when technological devices are getting smarter, everything is connected, and the physical and digital worlds are more intermeshed than ever. 

Unlike their elder family members or educators, a digital-first world is neither scary nor complicated. Learning digitally is where many Alphas feel at-home, so let’s bring every classroom to their level with the capabilities of 5G. 

Examples of 5G Applications 

  • Students can practice STEAM lessons by building limitless cities and environments in the Metaverse using digital makerspaces like Kai XR’s Create
  • Students can learn tough-to-grasp concepts or pivotal moments in history by immersing themselves in them via virtual field trips and other extended reality experiences. 
  • Digital makerspaces can help students who struggle with mathematics and science visualize math basics like subtraction, division, and fractions with visual objects. 

5G Encourages Team-Based Learning 

When every student feels empowered to learn and grow, their confidence and motivation follow along. Suddenly, “the shy kid” is leading an interactive virtual field trip to the zoo to teach their classmates all they know about reptiles—and they know a lot. 

This connectivity extends beyond the confidence building of individual students. Using VR in school, students can collaborate on projects in new and creative ways that excite and motivate. 

This allows students to recognize their own strengths as well as their classmates. Rather than a classroom being divided into “A+ students” versus “D- students”, learners will realize that there are more ways to learn than traditional education has been able to offer without current and emerging technologies. 

Role playin a digital space is another great way to empower students to shift their perspectives and understand complex lessons in everything from history to chemistry. 

Examples of 5G Applications 

  • Virtual field trips can help the entire classroom experience a place, time, or environment to deeply understand the lesson within. They can discuss complex topics as they navigate digital environments and afterwards. Some field trips from Kai XR help students to deeply understand complex topics like racial injustice, gender inequality, and more systemic issues. 
  • Students can engage in role play activities to navigate moments in history 

5G Fosters an Increased Understanding of the Entire Universe 

If we could offer our students the understanding and ability to learn about the entire universe, we would, right? 

Well, that’s exactly the 35,000+ foot view we want to give our students at Kai XR. That’s why our mission is to bridge the gap between technology and access while empowering students to build the future they want to see.

Examples of 5G Applications 

  • Assigning students to build a thoughtful and inclusive community in outerspace using a digital makerspace.
  • Allowing one student to lead a virtual field trip to a place (or time!) or their choice. One the trip, they can lead their classmates through the virtual environment. 

The Future Classroom is Now 

With emerging technologies moving at a rapid speed, the future of education is already in progress. Here at Kai XR, we could not be more excited for the education experience we couldn’t have dreamed up! 

Here at Kai XR, we aim to connect one million+ students with 360˚, AR, VR, and XR technologies by the year 2030. 

With the help of 5G technology and the metaverse, we're doing our part in taking measures to bridge the digital divide, and to close it altogether. 

Learn more about how virtual reality learning can revolutionize the classroom experience and help students develop critical digital literacy skills to become successful citizens of the digital future. 

With Kai XR, it's easy to get started with a plan for programs and schools. You can use Kai XR to give your students a hands-on experience of historical events, take them on virtual field trips, or even provide a fun and interactive way to review material. 

Don't wait to get started! Contact us today and explore the possibilities of VR in the classroom.

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In memory of my sunshine, Ky(ra) G. Frazier. Love you to the moon and back.